The achievement of corporate goals and the management of particularly challenging changes are often linked to the successful implementation of a variety of projects and activities. The objectives and contents are manifold, ranging in everyday business from broad-based innovation campaigns, revenue enhancement programs, cost reduction initiatives, IT systems implementation, site relocations to various parallel small-scale projects.
In this case, the absence of a holistic and efficient management of projects and measures threatens the achievement of mission-critical corporate goals, accompanied by an escalation of costs and a disproportionate involvement of valuable employees resources and often leads to a lack of motivation of all those being involved.
The STU Management Partners effectively support the described challenges and take typically the following tasks:
- Joint development / operationalization of the project
- Coordination of project organization (committees, team, milestones
- Preparation of activities, responsibilities and due dates
- Substantive project management, barrier management, (de-) escalation
- Participation / coordination of steering committees
In our approach, we rely on our many years of experience gained in projects – sometimes with significant complexity. We chose the level of our support and the duration of our commitment in correspondence with the specific demand situation of our clients. We act either as an objective coordinator, as a coach or as an active and confident team member.
This ensures our customers an efficient approach, a precise involvement of internal staff and a high accuracy in the achievement of the defined project goals.